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Chasing Travel & Finding Life

I don't really have a bucket list & that's mostly because I know I'll lose it.

Travel is not just about going places, it's about experiencing them. Click on the buttons below to explore our recommendations for the best travel experiences.



Get to Know Us

Hey there, fellow wanderers! I'm Mandy, and the other half of this dynamic duo is my husband, Adam. We've individually explored our fair share of the globe for years, but since 2020 (yes, amidst the pandemic chaos), we decided to embark on a joint adventure – and this time, it's not just about Adam's work-related jaunts across the United States.

Now, it's about our shared journey, our nomadic lifestyle! Come along as we dive into the world of exploration, discovering new corners of the earth, and navigating the highs and lows of this wild ride together. After all, this isn't just my travel blog – it's our travel blog, and we're thrilled to have you on board for the ride!

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